
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Chamber Pot Blues

Two weeks ago I bought a tent from this guy at a reenactment. Its a huge panther tent, 2 doors, ties on the inside and outside. He sold it to me for $250 because there are 2 small holes in the roof where a mouse feasted. I'm in seventh heaven; There's enough room to fit all of us comfortably!

I hate port-a-potties. I hate and despise port-a-potties and I do have a really kick-ass chamber pot that I never had room for in the tent we were borrowing. (Thank you Jack!) It looks like an end table but when you lift the hinged lid there's a wooden toilet seat also on hinges; lift the toilet seat and there's a bucket with a lid. Pretty awesome huh? I've had it for like 20 years, it was just another item in my unusual furniture collection, sitting next to my camel saddle "foot stool."

At our last event, my friends and I were discussing the merit of chamber pots and how to make one conducive to one's personal camp lifestyle, including using kitty litter to control the odor. After buying the tent, I gushed on to my children about how we now could have a chamber pot and not have to use the those stinky urine soaked large plastic medieval torture devices any more!

OMG! You would have thought I told them that we were going to use their cots instead! They totally freaked! I'm sitting here like, Hello? You'd rather park yourself where a billion other people have gone before? You want the hem of your skirt touch a floor more bacteria infected than a Victorian surgeon's knife? They can't fathom being in a room with something you poop in! Hello? We do have 3 toilets in our house! Who are you and what have you done with my children?? They're totally not backing down and neither am I!

Well, we are still battling over it and my final word is you can sleep in, or out of the tent. Its your choice. Mother has spoken!

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