
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fabulous Finds!

How often are one's frivolous desires fulfilled as if bequeathed by the gods?? Not often in my experience, but recently I've stumbled across a few hard to find finds. Kinda like a mini bequeath-a-thon. Get this! 'bout 2 weeks ago while making my weekly pilgrimage to my fav thrift stores, lo and behold look what was waiting for me!
Not only is this folding rocking chair beautiful, it was only $25! Beautiful doesn't cover it! How grand this will look in my humble, yet palatial tent sweet tent! Another item I literally tripped over is my yoke. Leisurely purusing the offerings at an antique mall type store, my foot hit the yoke which was dangerously, I guess is a good way of putting it, leaning against a door frame. It fell, I yelped with glee (No, not Finn, Rachel and Kurt) recognizing an item I thought all but eluded me. Online these things were $100+. Oh happy day! I guess the secret to finding these kinds of things is to go to your thrift and antique stores often, even though most of the time you'll be bored out of your gourd seeing the same stuff week after week.

I've tried so hard to scale down. I've actually taken inventory of the stuff I bring to events and cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye, there isn't anything I can leave out except a few decorative lanterns! I think my 2 major space hogs are my washtub table and the fly and its kazillion poles. The table is an old, wooden square thing that is incredibly heavy. I snatched it up from someone's tree-lawn on garbage night a year or so ago. I'm trying to find something that could match the ambience of the set up. Woe is me.

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