
Sunday, September 4, 2011

When All Good Little Civil War Reenactors Die, They Go to Broadview Heights!

I you are a good little Civil War Reenactor, when you die, you go to Broadview Heights, Ohio! Our last reenactment had to be the best one yet! It was a small event, yet a wonderful event. I'd planned to arrive the night before but ended up not feeling well at all. I have this pain-in-the-butt thing called fibromyalgia that (among other things) just annihilates me with any tiny-teeny weather change. What a waste of a day-off. Anyway we arrived that morning, late. John and Roy, two, wonderful, awesome , great guys of my unit put my tent up for Lily and me.
Oh wait a minute...Did I say Lily? You know, Lily, my adorable, wacky daughter and side-kick? Sorry, I mean to say "Lyle", my adorable and wacky teenage girl pretending to be a boy in the 7th Ohio Volunteer infantry. "Yes!" I emote, conflicted with her choice to abandon her mother in the laundry in favor of having great fun out in battle with the unit. Hmmm...Laundry, or fun...Laundry or fun...God that's a tough one! lol, oh well, I have to say, I do enjoy watching her be so enthusiastic now. Its obvious that she was enduring the laundress gig just for dear old mom! Love ya Lyle! Yes, she not only has a new persona, Lyle the transvestite soldier, she has a new enthusiasm. One can't help but chuckle!

So anyway, So I started to set up on Suds Row. It was slow going as bad as I was feeling. I didn't get my fire this time, which to me is a huge buzz-kill. My impression seems half-assed without it and feeling as cruddy as I did everything was an excuse to bum out. Gosh darn those Broadview Heights folks! Every time I was all revved up to shut down they came over like guardian angels! No lie! Get this! I'm putting up all my sstuff all...'Oh god I have to get water...I don't want to haul water...I'm going to die hauling water...I HATE water! I wish water didn't exist....blah blah blah blah...blah!" So suddenly, out of nowhere, this I don't know what it was...maybe a golf cart kind of thing? Two guys stop by and say..."Need anything?" I'm standing there with my wretched buckets in hand. "No, but thank you for asking", I say. "We can fill your buckets for you!" They say with a smile. I'm all "Huh? Really? OK!" and hand over the buckets. No lie! They came by to fill by buckets constantly though-out the event! Water is a good thing! Water is a good good wonderful thing! Oh, oh and it gets better!!!! On one of the Angelmobile visits that morning I ask, "Do you have ice?" Probably all events offer ice, straw too sometimes, for not what I would call a small charge. One of the Saints on the vehicle replies,

"Oh yeah! How many do you want?" "How much?" I ask.

"Nothing." The young man responds, It's free."

"Really? Can I have two bags?"

"Sure!" They motor way happily and return with 2 large bags of ice! I'm telling you people were rejoicing in the camp! Lyle was called away to guard the Mayor's tent. An ugly mood was rising. Talk of sucession was splitting this boarder town right down the middle! I heard that shots were fired! Duck Lyle!

It was Lyle's first battle! Lyle was shot and killed in the latter part of the battle. She shot the gun, which is hysterically, almost as big as she is! I loved every second of it. I wish my son Wil wasn't so busy with college stuff. It would be so cool to have both of them there. Here is a link to a few photos from a professional photographer's site. They took the pictures there.

So anyway, Dinner was like, half a roasted chicken, corn on the cob, die for little red potatoes drenched in butter , cake , watermellon, coffe, iced tea or lemonade...My God, I'm not worthy!

They did have a dance, and gave away kick-ass cookies there. Lyle and I got lost going to Giant Eagle to find provisions for the next day. she/he missed the first dance since she/he started reenacting. It was indoors! So we retired for the night, exhausted but incredibly happy. Next morning breakfast was provided. Pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice! Someone who was organizing the event must be a perfectionist, obsessive compulsive or something that motivates them to strive and achieve infinate perfection! The pancakes were served by flipping them into the air and the diner having to catch them on their plate! OMG it was soo entertaining!
For lunch we made sandwiches with the items we bought the night before, Lyle survived that battle that day and again was called to guard the mayor's tent. Someone told me they saw 'my boy' talking to the women of ill repute, Ha! Lies! The joke is on them! 'Lyle' likes the plumb cake Miss Lily, madame of the Chateau de reposte, serves. She is a very nice lady!

lol we packed up about 3pm. Thank you Broadview Heights! I look forward to next year!

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