
Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I'm sitting here feeling all proud of myself. I went to bed last night, or should I say morning since it was 3am...and got up Tuesday morning at 7am. Lyle had not roused her lazy butt out of bed to go to school so I woke her up. She was pretty impressive, she got ready in like 10 minutes and was out the door! Anyway, I decided to stay up instead of go back to bed. (I get home from work about 1am) I got so much done!

Monday night I'd started to practice skirt making. I have a pretty blue-green, perhaps one might call it aqua-colored fabric and decided to make a pleated skirt. Now, mind you, I've never made a skirt in my life, let alone pleats but I thought now was as good a time as any to learn! And as surprising as it is, it doesn't seem to be turning out so badly! The only bad thing about it is that the body wearing it belongs to me! I'm not the thinnest or most fit person on the planet. Okay, brass tacks time here, I'm pretty much a blob.

A while back I bought a rebounder and started using it! Every day , mind you! But the strangest thing happened. Every time I exercised, I ended up having a hard time breathing and my chest hurt for a week afterward! I went to my doctor and what he told me really made me feel like I was poster child for the 'biggest-losers-on-the-planet!" I have.......get this and I'm not making it up....exercise induced asthma!!! I kid you not! It exists! I have an inhaler I don't use because I am so tired of 'disorder of the month club', little pissy ailments that I end up getting. If my lungs aren't popping or falling out of my body, no medicine. Forget it! tangent time (TTT) okay, so where was I?. My skirt. I'm shocked at how not so sucky it is for a first try! I was going to show a pic of my maiden voyage but just as quickly decided against it. Why look at my unworthy scraps when there are many women Civil War Reenactors blogging here that can show you incredible masterpieces! I was roaming the blogs and saw an incredible laundress blog called 'The Laundress is In' You want to see a talented person? Check it out. I'm not kidding!

Oh god TTT again... Anyway No, my attempt is not a work of art but neither is it something to be embarrassed about considering I'm winging it! No pattern! I guess its just dabbling. I am, however, serious about making men's drawers and shirts to hang or crumple around Suds Row. I'm going to my Mom's house over the weekend and she's going to show me how to do it. I'm also putting together pin cushions. Why? I have no idea why. I guess its just that they're just so darn pretty.

What I really like doing is making washboards! In fact, I think it was my first blog, I'd mentioned that the little kiddie-poohs liked washboards. So, I'm making washboards that will attach (probably) by rope to a large tub so the future company laundresses and laundrymen can scrub to their heart's content. I think I'm going to ask the parents if my personal photographer (my husband) can take pix to use on my blog. The kids are just so darn cute when they're obsessed for 10 minutes then go away.

Its kinda neat that winter is upon us. Last year I vowed I'd spend the time putting together my impression, experimenting in cooking, mastering the laundress profession and spending time at the library researching. I didn't do any of those things, but this year I'm so motivated for some reason.

Oh wow it's 2am. I'm going to motivate myself right into dreamland.


Mrs. Peters

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